Dita Parker

Friday, October 18, 2019

Hit my heart

An old friend reached out on WhatsApp: “👀 u on the internet” 
She sent me a link.

Oh. Ok. So I tick all the boxes. It’s just that…I don’t like boxes, or labels, or *shudder* diagnosing life and living and the human experience as some sort of condition you suffer from. Life is life, living is living, emotions are emotions, and that’s that as far as I’m concerned. But I recognize myself in that list. Not sure what I’m supposed to do with it. [Nature? Nurture? The wages of being a third culture kid?] I thanked her with emojis, a kiss and a shrug.

Do you recognize yourself, reading that list? What if you do, the world favoring and lauding extroverts, as it tends to do, still? What if you don’t? Does it matter? Live and let live, I say. Let a hundred flowers blossom, and then some. Unless you’re a sadistic bastard bent on making the world a worse place. In which case: may you step on a Lego. No, seriously, step away from the dark side! Dance into the light!! It’s never too late to mend!!! No? Then come see me and let’s see who’s who and what’s what. Oh yes. High-functioning introverts; not to be confused with delicate blooms. 😘🤷‍♀️

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