Dita Parker

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


And may I just add that I really wanted to love Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood, I honestly did. I've loved so many of his movies, blood and gore and all, but now...I just couldn't get into it. Great acting and cinematography and attention to detail (was Bruce Lee that much of a blowhard, though? I heard some grumbling), a big sloppy kiss and bearhug to the Hollywood of yore, but for me it just didn't click, like either something was missing or there was too much of everything or kinda both. So much depended on your depth of knowledge of what actually went down, but somehow that knowledge just sat there getting bored and soon itchy and then just plain 'ol cranky and by the end I was a yawning, watch-glancing, I'm-sorry-but-I-stopped-caring-45-minutes-ago mildly disappointed gal. There's no accounting for taste, amirite? Is it just me? Does it matter? Oh well.

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