Dita Parker

Monday, September 9, 2019

Cold comfort

Temperature: 15/59 degrees

Eating: a lunch salad. What do you mean at this hour? I got up early. As in with the birds. So it's lunchtime, alright, all right?

Drinking: green tea with lemon

Watching: the geothermal heat pump acting up. Thank the universe it’s a warmish September and not a sub-zero January.

Listening: to migratory birds flocking to plan their journey.

Reading: Impatiently waiting for Atwood’s The Testaments.

Writing: yes

Thinking: It’ll be cold a shower if that pump doesn’t shape up pronto.

Feeling: I need to heat up the sauna. Not a luxury up here, btw, but a standard. Nearly every house/apartment has one. And it’s a-maz-ing.

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