Dita Parker

Friday, December 16, 2011

XXX-mas poll and giveaway

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas... I am, I am! The sun now rises way after nine and sets at three, what snow we've gotten has melted, and it has been the rainiest December in fifty years. [Last month was the warmest November in fifty years. We've been breaking weather records almost every season. A coincidence? I think not.] Dark and desolate? Definitely. So someone send some snow to lighten and brighten things up. Pronto. Please. But not as much as last year or the year before that. There is no need to exaggerate. We'd be quite content with the golden mean. Thanks.

The last seven days in seventy words: had a lovely wedding anniversary, Christmas shopping done, cards sent, menu set, deadlines met, saw three dudes pull off every Shakespeare play in two hours, the full moon was beau-ti-ful, oldest was really sick one day and fine the next, again, (seriously, the child is übermenschlich), youngest is up all night with growth pains, again, (that child will grow up to be ten feet tall), and my niece was born!

Now...now I think it's time to wrap up this year's Frisky Fridays. I haven't done polls or giveaways here at the Den, and you've been such good sports, visited and commented, so what do you say, dearest denizens, how about we send off 2011 with a bang and a whimper and do both?! They're not interlinked. You don't have to vote to enter. You can vote and skip the contest. Naughty or nice, every adult on the planet is eligible.

You'll find the simple XXX-mas poll question at the top of the right-hand column. If everyone's happy, my work here is done. If not, maybe some more Frisky Fridays are in order in 2012. Want an Ellora's Cave Romantica Publishing $20 gift card too/instead? Let me know by leaving a working email addy (working!, not stuffed to capacity, better luck next time) in comments, or by dropping me a line at ms[dot]ditaparker[at]gmail[dot]com (subject line: XXX-mas giveaway), and on January first, I'll let random.org decide and off shopping you go!

Okay! I think that's all for now. Spread the word. That gift card, if you hit the Vault, buys you up to twenty (20!) ebooks. Or would you prefer a Cavemen 2012 Calendar and some recent releases? You decide, I provide.

Ah, it is better to give than to receive. Which reminds me... But that's none of your business, sweetie darlings. Now shoo, go make someone happy, and yourself in the process. Oh, and if you know a really good shaman, ask for snow!!!


books4me said...

I'm so jealous about your snow! Of course, when we moved to Kentucky I knew we wouldn't get the snow like we did when I was growing up in Wisconsin. But I hope for a white Christmas this year as we are in Wisconsin...one can wish!

Ellora's Cave is my favorite online bookstore...please enter me into the contest!!

Have a great holiday!

books4me67 at ymail dot com

Maria said...

Congrats on the birth of your niece!
We haven't had any snow yet and it's unseasonably warm so far...kinda putting a cramp in my Christmas Sweater wearing style...lol

Thanks for the giveaway


VampedChik said...

We've only had a sprinkling of snow here. :( I'm hoping for some for Christmas. Congrats of your neice! I spoil mine rotten. :) Thanks so much for the giveaway! I LOVE the EC books.

Stormie Kent said...

I would love to skip the snow. That year that I shoveled for an hour at 8am and then again at noon has put me off forever. I would love to read an EC Christmas themed book with snow in it though. ;)

Dita Parker said...

Good evening, everyone, and thanks! My brother has two sons, so they were thrilled to hear they were having a girl. And now she's here! Aunt Dita is over the moon, too!!

Snow, it's a Janus-faced affair. I've spent some wonderful Christmases under a palm. Didn't even think about snow. But now, up here in the northernmost north, the days are just so short in the winter, the landscape a darker shade of black, with nothing much to do outdoors.

Until snow comes along and brightens things up, and then we're sledding and skiing, snowboarding and skating. And shoveling. Got some intense workouts last winter just trying to get to the mailbox. So weather lords: Everything in moderation, okay?

Thanks for playing and good luck!

Hot Ash Romance Novels said...

Loved your 70 word summary. LOL. I wish I could do that!

I'm not wishing for snow, but if it'll make you happy, wherever you are, I'll wish it for YOU! (As long as you're not in New England.)

Dita Parker said...

Thanks, Ashlyn, and thanks! I live in Scandinavia (Europe, not Waupaca County, WI).

Have a great weekend, and happy holidays!

Cathy M said...

Hi Dita,

No snow in my part of the world, which suits me just fine. Wonderful time of year for new babies, so congrats on your new little neice.

Happy Holidays

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Dita Parker said...

Hi, Cathy, thanks for swinging by, and for the congrats! I'm just so happy for my brother and his family. It's gonna be an extra special Christmas for them.

Happy holidays, wherever you are!

Lil said...

Hearty congrats on the birth of your niece! :)

We haven't seen snow at my end either. Christmas might not be white this year for us. I wonder if Santa will show up in a slightly different outfit.

little lamb lst at yahoo dot com

Jane Wakely said...

Hi Dita~

I loved this post, especially your week summed up in 70 words! Very fun!

Congrats on the birth of your neice, and I hope you get your White Christmas...in moderation, of course! :)

Merry Christmas!

Dita Parker said...

Hi Lil, hi Jane, and thank you! My brother is the greatest, he deserves every happiness.

Santa will need an umbrella and a raincoat in these parts. Surprise surprise, it's raining again. The 5-day forecast: rain, then some more rain. Grrr!!!

Oh well. Merry X-mas and good luck!

Fedora said...

How fun, Dita--I see I have some Friday posts to catch up on! Thanks for sharing with us!

f dot chen at comcast dot net

Dita Parker said...

My pleasure. Enjoy!

Jennifer L. said...

Loved your week in seventy words. If it isn't a freak earthquake, blizzard, or heatwave, its some other weather oddiity this year. But I'm not complaining about 60 degree days in december!

Jennifer L

Dita Parker said...

Hi Jennifer! Sixty degrees, huh. I could live with that. *sigh*

It's been a very odd, eventful, interesting year. 2012 has some very big shoes to fill. Here's hoping it's all good.

Gabrielle Lee said...

You sure hve been busy lately. We have only gotten a dusting of snow here. It has been the lowest snowfall in years. I'm still waiting for my snow.

What a great contest I love Ellora's Cave.


Amber said...

Happy Holidays!! I love this time of the year.
Amber P.

Dita Parker said...

Gabrielle, it's a race against time before the holidays, because when they arrive, I want to focus on friends and family.

Hi, Amber, right back atcha!

Thanks for stopping by and good luck, ladies!

susan said...

I am hoping you get the snow you want for Christmas. I like snow too as long as I can enjoy it from inside the warmth of my home. I would love to be entered in your contest as well. Loved the sum up in 70 words or less..you did a great job. susan Leech garysue@dejazzd.com

Dita Parker said...

Susan, I'm a child of the tropics, a summer gal through and through, but up here, you gotta learn to deal with winter and so I've tried.

What never ceases to amaze me is how smoothly everything runs no matter how bad the weather is. Practice makes perfect!

Unknown said...

The sky bears have not been having their usual pillow fights over our place in SW Michigan either. We get a dusting & before you know it, it's gone. Might have a green (more likely to be brown) Christmas for a change. At least I've not slid into a ditch yet this year. Yeah!!

A large portion of my wish list is Ellora's Cave books, so that gift card would take a lot of pressure off my budget. Fingers, toes & other appendages are crossed.

drainbamaged.gyzmo at gmail.com

Dita Parker said...

A ditch? What? No!!

Keep safe, Kathryn, and good luck!

Jennifer Mathis said...

Im thinking we are going to have a green christmas , which is just fine with me cause i know people are traveling


Dita Parker said...

Hi Jennifer, ain't that the truth, one person's postcard landscape is another person's nuisance.

Happy holidays!

Patti P said...

I love Ellora's Cave. Please count me in!
No snow here yet (near Chicago) but once it starts I will wish it is gone. :)

musicalfrog at comcast.net

Dita Parker said...

Hi Patti, count yourself counted in!

Happy New Year!!