Dita Parker

Thursday, April 1, 2021

The Angel of Music sings songs in my head

Temperature: a cool but sunny 6/43 degrees

Eating: It’s Christmas all over again, isn’t it, Easter, foodwise. But good home-cooked meals and the occasional drink aren’t restricted or prohibited like so many other things are right now, so enjoy! If that’s the sort of thing you do enjoy. And it doesn’t have to be anything fancy or costly, just something that puts a smile of contentment on your face.

Drinking: I’m thinking red wine from Portugal would go well with...a whole bunch of savory treats.

Watching: musicals of late. Imagine the cacophony I now suffer every second I’m not focused on something else. It’s like a radio station, your mind, isn’t it? If it’s not filled with talk there’s music.

Listening: see above.

Reading: The German House by Annette Hess. (Available in several languages, possibly yours!)

Thinking: Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. (Carl Jung)

Feeling: someone nudging my chin. Again, a bit harder now. I open my eyes but there’s no one there.

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