Dita Parker

Friday, September 4, 2020


Just a thought to get you thinking, unless you’ve already been thinking this makes a world of sense and difference.

I’m all for it. I happen to love antique stores, and thrift shops, and vintage wonderlands. Clothes so well-made from such high-quality fabrics you can wear them for the rest of your life; beautiful handmade gems for both house and garden; out-of-print books and discontinued china and crystal; jewelry you simply marvel at. At a pittance! What’s not to like? 

Sure, doesn’t solve the problem of too much stuff, but you can decide to become a more conscientious, discerning buyer. Do I really need this? Where and when will I use this? How many times will I use it? I’ve decided that if I can’t answer those questions, I’m not buying. Yes, some things are a beauty and a delight without being particularly useful, but most things serve a purpose. If you can’t pinpoint what that is in your life and home, could you go without? Just a thought.

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