Dita Parker

Friday, February 3, 2023

Let's go nuts

This Sunday is World Nutella Day. Yes, it's a thing. Sounds like an evil yet yummy plan to sell a sugary treat, and I'm here for it. Or rather for the goddess of all things delicious, Nigella.

If you can't eat nuts, I am so sorry. Nuts happen to be one of my favorite healthy snacks. Thankfully, soup-to-nuts Ms. Lawson has plenty of scrumptious desserts on offer, so fret not, sweetie darlings. And nothing says I love you like baking for your loved ones. Just because. And because Nigella. And okay, jeez, Nutella.

Have a tasty weekend, dearest denizens, wherever you are.

No-bake Nutella cheesecake by Nigella.

P.S. I'm in no way affiliated with Nigella Lawson, but I do worship at her...stove?...pantry?...she has saved me time and energy more times than I care to count.

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