Dita Parker

Monday, August 15, 2022

Burning down the house

Temperature: 26/79 degrees. And re: coming to cool down up here in Scandinavia: you better hurry. Two-fold Arctic amplification is old news. The Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the globe since 1979.

Eating: Just had some ice cream to celebrate my son passing his driving test! (Yes, we've gone electric. Yes. Wind power. I agree, sodium should replace lithium. Fossil fuels should and will become extinct, absolutely.)

Drinking: iced tea.

Listening: I'm more than a little disgusted with the Internet's fascination with this woman-hater Tate. And a whole lot disappointed that misogyny is in such high demand. I hope you're just curious, not taking notes and pointers. Because if you're rejected and dejected after taking your cues from this guy it's because you took your cues from this guy. And even if this is just a look-at-me-master-provocateur provocation, it's still stupid and dangerous, just as dangerous as the all the other demagogues out there spreading bigotry, sowing division and inciting violence. Because someone will always take them at their word and feel empowered to act accordingly.

Watching: the strangest dreams lately. Last night: I was hiking with my husband. We ended up in a forest that got weird fast. I lost track of the trail. I lost him. I lost all sense of direction. And plummeted into a hole in the ground, just big enough for a human to fit in, just small enough that there was no room to move. I kept falling, knowing no one would ever find me. The ground had swallowed me whole.

Reading: Hothouse Earth by Bill McGuire. That may have something to do with the above.

Thinking: What's the worst that can happen if the absolute worst doesn't happen, climatewise? We've kept the world inhabitable for all species.

Feeling: flummoxed some still feel we shouldn't paint a pessimistic picture of the future. Has that worked, pussyfooting? No, it has merely bought the status quoers more time and opportunities to keep things going their way regardless of what that means and does for all of us, their children and grandchildren included. No one is safe. Nowhere is safe. So why not? Why not paint a picture so honest and so horrific that we'll do everything in our power to avoid that fate?

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