Dita Parker

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Dita and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

You know the kind. The one involving an altercation. And for a person who'd rather handle matters in a civilized manner, an altercation is an abomination. [Such an expressive language, English. With a word for everything. Except schadenfreude. With a million-ish words to choose from, can't we come up with something? Any suggestions? Misfortune-merry? Affliction-merry? Accident-glad? Accident-pleased? Woe-is-you-woo-hoo? Hmm. Woe-is-you-woo-hoo. Woe-is-you-woo-hooism. I like the sound of and sounds in that. Start using it. Start spreading it. You heard it here first! You attended the birth!!]

But some adults act like children and get angry when faced with facts they disagree with or simply don't want to hear. Listen carefully then respond. Calmly. Don't shut down the other person then storm off all na-na na-na boo-boo I win. Doesn't change the facts, only how I see you.

I need a hug. Anybody need a hug? Hugs all around, sweetie darlings.

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