Dita Parker

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Dita did a bad, bad thing

I know. The den is closed. But I still have the key so I’ll stop by if I want to. And I need a moment. A safe place. And since no one comes here now that we’re closed there’s no safer place, right? So let me sit here for a moment as I take a good hard stare at the error of my ways.

Don’t tell anyone I admitted to this, but I’ve been writing. Fiction. In English. It just...happened. Burst out. People started bursting out. A deluge of dialogue. POV dilemmas I found myself pondering on lunch breaks, storylines coming at me at the crack of dawn, descriptions, the perfect blurb to a story I never sent out, thousands upon thousands of words, as if I’d been taken over by whatever spirit moves these things, forcing my hand, messing with my brain.
Is there a pill for this? A specialist? An exorcist? Can you help me? What am I gonna do? Don’t say, “Write!” I…can’t. I don’t have time. I don’t have enough time for an orchestrated, concentrated effort. So what do I do? It’s as if I have to get it out, and those who write, who create anything, know what I mean. You have to get it out. But why now? Why at all? Do I close my ears and mind’s eye? Not working. What the hell do I do?!

And I know what’s going on. At least I think I do. Writing makes me a better translator and translating makes me a better writer, and right now I’m off-kilter. Too much academia and not enough arts. Too little fiction and too much fact. Too much discipline and not enough creativity. I’m off balance and it’s showing. It’s making itself known. I feel it. The pull. The tug inside. The tug of tales. It’s exhilarating and consuming and bloody awful and totally inconvenient. What am I supposed to do with it? What the hell am I supposed to do?

Remember Bukowski?
if it doesn't come bursting out of you
in spite of everything,
don't do it.
unless it comes unasked out of your
heart and your mind and your mouth
and your gut,
don't do it.

Remember Nike?
Just do it?

Nancy Reagan?
Just say no?


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